Do3 Podcast - Swim, bike, run, triathlon!

The Do3 Podcast | Jo Day and Sam Tebby - Newbies with Epic Plans | Episode 11

David Knight Season 1 Episode 11

Hi everyone and welcome to Episode 11 of the Do3 Podcast. In this podcast we talk to Jo Day and Sam Tebby. Jo and Sam are two regular people who are both aiming to complete some pretty epic challenges. Joe is training to complete her first full distance triathlon at Ironman Barcelona and has come to the sport as an absolute novice. She didn’t even own a bike I could barely swim. Sam talks about how he actually managed to complete I am in Wales on virtually no training with zero experience. He also goes on to talk about his next challenge which is 100 km ultra event across the arctic tundra, again with little to no experience.

We hope as regular people who set themselves extraordinary challenges you find this podcast inspiring and motivating.  Finally if you enjoy the podcast please consider subscribing. Our channel is here to help and support regular people get into and improve at the sports we love. Enjoy the podcast!

Presenter: David Knight. Award winning triathlon coach and founder of Do3
Guest: Jo Day and Sam Tebby

All our podcasts are available in video format on our YouTube Channel: